my God. this life is so cruel, simply so unpredictable. one time, we'll be so healthy, and yet another time, we'll fall so ill. last night, mom received a sms from aunt lilian, regarding the biopsy test result of her bro, ah kuan's father. mom called her immediately, told her to bring ah kuan's father for further check-up, the sooner the better. it would be better if they can bring him today. that time, i haven't know what's happening yet, so i was quite blur-blur. i heard mom mentioning some alien terms and i was like, "what the hell is that?" after they had done talking on the phone, i, as usual, dengan busy-body-nya, asked mom what happened. she refused to tell me and just said, "something bad, like really bad, happened." i insisted to know what's happening. biasa la, kepo ba. it worths being a kepo, as finally, mom revealed everything. she showed me the sms aunt lilian sent her. i don't understand the alien message, so many alien terms. so i asked mom, what's it all about. so mom pun explained la -- what's malignant and what's adenocarcinoma. she explained panjang lebar to me, but me, as an IT person and a buta-biology person, don't really get her 100%. but, at least, i get her point -- doctor diagnosed ah kuan's father with cancer. yes, cancer -- not flu, not fever, not gastric, not magrain, not any other cure-able disease. the cancer cells can be slowed, but still it's a deadly disease. God, why him? what i pity the most is his kids, still so young, still needing a (healthy!) father. please don't do this, please make him as healthy as he was before, God...
Ikan Cencaru Masak Asam. Simple dan Sedap!
Rumah ni peti ais dah tak *function*. Belum *repair*. Aku pun macam lagi
suka pulak peti ais tu mampoih. Sebab takde la dipenuhi *leftover *dan
sayur yang ...
5 months ago
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