i watched the ulangan of renjis on channel 104. it was so damn lucu. stupid a bit. there was this 1 couple, planned to get married, but the girl suddenly made a decision to minta putus. the reason -- the boy was diagnosed as thalassemia carrier. i was diagnosed with the same thing too. actually there's nothing wrong being a carrier. it doesn't affect me. not at all. i'm healthy, just like any other non-carrier. problem will only occurs if i marry another carrier. have a look at this diagram, this is what i mean...

few words from the doctor who diagnosed me, which i would like to share with my fellow thalassemia carrier. :)
1. before you get married, make sure your spouse do a medical check up.
2. if he/she happens to also be a carrier, don't panic and you don't have to break-up, do a further check-up to determine what thalassemia he/she carries -- alpha or beta.
3. don't you ever, ever give up your love. you still have another option -- adoption!
wikipedia (picture)
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