At first, I wasn't so happy with the fact that I have to sacrifice myself and take 3 hours lecture of Tamadun Islam (plus, one Kerja Kursus Pendek), when some of my course mate can happily do their own stuffs like, sleeping, YM!-ing, FB-ing, and bla bla bla... The reason behind this is because i don't have enough credits to transfer from my previous Tamadun Islam lecture, back in Uni. Thank God, I'm not the only one - I have 9 other companions. After the first 3 hours of lecture, I found things weren't as bad as I thought before. I enjoyed the lecture very much. It was fun, not like what I experienced in Uni years back (sorry, Encik Whatever-Your-Name-Is! ). The Ustaz lecturing us is also open-minded and has a very firm, solid background on Islamic studies. What I like most about him is his way of thinking. It mesmerizes me how he managed to "tackle" our attention to follow his 3 hours lecture, whereas in Uni, I couldn't even stand the first 30 minutes with Mr-Whoever-He-Is. Amazing, right? Really am looking forward for Tamadun Islam lecture next week...~
Ikan Cencaru Masak Asam. Simple dan Sedap!
Rumah ni peti ais dah tak *function*. Belum *repair*. Aku pun macam lagi
suka pulak peti ais tu mampoih. Sebab takde la dipenuhi *leftover *dan
sayur yang ...
5 months ago
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